The power of your brain

June 27, 2022

Hello friends:

I’m hoping to continue to share my journey on a weekly basis, and today, while I plug away on my quest to find “Sydney the kidney”, there are necessary preparations that I’ve had to develop.  I’ve filled a “resilience tool box” with tricks, habits, and reminders to stay resilient in this scary, crazy, humbling awe-inspiring journey.  The medical goals for me now are to manage the side effects of my slowly failing kidneys and to find a living kidney donor.

As iGa Nephropathy is a chronic illness with flares and a decline of kidney function, and Crohn’s Disease is a chronic illness situated in my “2nd brain” you have to develop some resilience or muscles to mentally face the challenges ahead.  There are books I’ve read, stories I’ve listened to, worksheets I’ve practiced but this is a great reminder / resource when you want some “feel good” coursing thru your veins.

Are bodies are amazing, our brains can help us through difficult and challenging times.  Before you decide to pharmaceutically medicate yourself, try this list of the the FOUR HAPPY HORMONES inside our brains and the skills I use to DOSE UP!

Four Happy Hormones

  • Endorphins - primarily help one deal with stress and reduce feelings of pain.

  • Serotonin - a mood stabiliser, wellbeing, happiness.

  • Dopamine - pleasure, the motivational role in brain's reward system.

  • Oxytocin - bonding, love and trust.

Let’s Break these down and you can start to see how your brain can help you overcome challenges:

If you need a few endorphins (pain relief), use laughter, essential oils like lavender or rosemary, eating dark chocolate, dancing, warm bath or shower, petting your animal.

If you need a dose of serotonin (mood stablilizer), try meditating, doing upside downs, walking in nature, swimming, being in the sun, dancing, and more

How about a bit of dopamine to feel rewarded?  Try completing a task (make your bed), self care activities (face mask, friend time), Eating some delicious well made food, Celebrating little wins (Went to bed by 10 pm for a week!)

We’ve all heard about Oxytocin, the love hormones!  To feel loved spend time with your pet, spend time with a dear friend or loved one, play with a baby, hold hands, a 30 second hug, giving someone else a compliment.

No pesky side effects from inducing theses chemicals in your system.  I found this a long while back and this list is posted in my closest.  When I’m scared or anxious, I sincerely do look at that list and get out of head for a minute.

Finding a kidney and sharing my story has taught me so much.  I need a to find a living kidney donor.  It is your

I’m putting together a list of the books, tv shows and music on a separate page, and maybe you’d share some with me…. I’d love suggestions!  Have a wonderful last week of June (how is it already June??!!)  

Thank you for reading and please share this as I continue to be resilient.

Here’s the contact info for those interested in finding out more about becoming a living kidney donor, contact:

Christina Self, Kidney Transplant Donor Coordinator

University of Kansas Medical Center

913-945-6929 voice

Or contact me at:

C. Courtney Walker

***All expenses will be covered for donor’s lost work time.   


Frustration Station


How do you eat an Elephant?  (Finding a living donor)